Mobile Apps - Another Winner!
Is there anything mobile apps can’t do? There probably is, but the number of tasks that can’t be done by mobile is getting smaller every day. Okay, you can’t get a mobile app to scrub your kitchen floor, agreed. But there are many of life’s little tasks that mobile apps can do and they do it very well. They can take photos, book flights, play music and tune into radio and TV stations. Did you know they can also check your lottery results?. You know how it goes. You buy your lottery ticket, keep it ready for the big day and wait for the results. Then, suppose for some reason, you can’t check your numbers on time? It may be that you were so busy that day, you let the opportunity to check go right by. Or, even worse, what if you make a mistake in checking the numbers and don’t even realise it? Do you know that millions of pounds worth of lottery prizes go unclaimed every year? To think that this is a time when the likelihood of an individual winning the lottery is so low! Reports say that it's more likely that lightning will strike you than you'll win at the lottery. Missing your lottery win would be a tragedy. A tragedy which you may never even know. Actually, it would probably be better if you didn’t know. Who needs that pain in their lives? We want to know about winning, not losing.
Checking the Lottery on your Mobile
If you have an iPhone (or an Android) it couldn’t be simpler. You click on the App Store (or Google Play) icon. Then, once you’re in there, you can download your chosen lottery checking app. Once the lottery results are declared, you can use your phone to scan your ticket and check if you’re a winner. If you’ve won, you can do a happy dance right there and then. If not, don’t worry, there’s always next time. But at least you know for certain. Using the app is easy. Open the app's viewfinder and scan the code on the ticket. Your lottery ticket apps scanner should recognize the code. You should get the news within seconds. Some lotteries have their own official apps for checking their results. Other lottery checking apps check a whole range of lotteries.
Choice of Lottery Apps
Your choice of lottery checking apps should depend on the lotteries you play. It also depends on number of lotteries which you follow. If you're waiting for several results, there’s no need to stuff your phone with apps. Download the one which covers your favourite lotteries. The more functions the app can complete for you, the better. But even then, which app should you choose? Choose the one which takes up the least amount of your valuable phone space. It should also cover your desired lottery results.
Handy Scanning App for the iPhone
Speaking of scanning apps which save time and trouble, there’s a great scanning app for the iPhone. It’s the
ScanTicket Receipt Scanner. Like those lottery checking apps, it saves you endless trouble. You can use the viewfinder in this app to scan and store your receipts. You can include your lottery ticket receipts. The app dates and categorises every receipt. You can add receipts for online transactions too. As a result, you can easily track your monthly expenditure. Yet another example of smartphone apps making life easier.